Hey Everybody another New item from our primary sponser SG Designs.
This amazing outfit comes with weapons and is made entirely of Mesh components.
Featuring a Mask and arm and shin gaurds as well as
a sexy top and pants that expose all the right stuff in all the right places.
The only problem I have noted with this outfit is that it does not fit any avatar in fact it appears to not fit most avatar shapes. it took me several attempts at shapes till I found a shape that fit it even this closely. It still had several alpha layer holes in my avatar still visible near the mesh.

It also comes with large Ninja blades that look amazing on such a scantily clad ninja girl.
They come with a HUD for both Male and Females that have a full AO capability as well as draw and sheath buttons. It also comes the handy quick key gestures so as to not need the HUD.
They have been tested and shown to do 15% Sword damage on the GM Meter.
As with all SG Designs Melee weapons these are scripted for mousedown attack movements and should only be used as such.I don't recomend you using them if you have no experience with mousedown weaponry as you will most likely have a great deal of trouble using them.

This fine outfit can be found at SG Designs on the second floor near the staircase to the third floor.
It costs a resonable 799L$ and will make a great adition to your armory.
Skin is Japanese Beauty from Heaven's Gate Neo
Hair is Earth Preto from Magika