Saturday, June 8, 2013

#012 Oil Bombs Away

Hey there people today I bring you an item from Primus.
I've encountered many people who don't know alot about this item and how it works and thus it's become horribly misunderstood and in fact banned on many Gorean sims I'm hoping to change all that with this post and demonstrate how well Primus did with taking something that coulda become massively overpowered and making it just right for any environment.
So without any further ado I give you the Primus Throwing oil bombs.
These bombs come in a large pack for their sheath filled with oil and bombs.
Once drawn the bomb takes thirty seconds to fill to full before it can be thrown.
Once it is fully ready it will shout in local that you have finished filling your bomb this will give people plenty of warning to duck and cover if they don't want to be turned into a match stick.
They of course need to be thrown from mouselook and once thrown take another thirty second to rearm this is also about how long the fire from the bombs lasts so by the time your next bomb is ready the previous one will have been extinguished.
Now for the information you really want.
These bombs do 20% damage on a direct hit and the fire that forms after a
hit to ground will do trap damage usually between 7% and 20%
This damage is purely on the GM meter and given the fires brightness makes it more then acceptable.
Hair is Maddy from Truth Hair
Outfit is Shiva Red from Luas
Scarring is Survivor Tattoo from Fallen Doll

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